
The Kindergarten program begins in the morning when the children are encouraged to use their skills with challenging Montessori materials. The more structured Kindergarten program begins after lunch. A major component of the curriculum is the study of seven countries that change from year to year.

During the afternoon, the children work and collaborate in small groups, preparing them for their transition to First Grade. They further develop important readiness skills while building a lifelong love of learning. They continue to develop their concentration, fine motor skills, coordination, confidence, and academic skills.

The program is enriched with gym, art, music, Spanish classes and cultural presentations. They also participate in an annual science fair, an International Luncheon, Graduation ceremony and take a theater field trip into Philadelphia. We recently implemented pen pal program with students from the Montessori School of Denver. In the Fall of 2016, we incorporated small group piano keyboarding classes as part of the weekly curriculum for our Kindergarten students. Click here to download the detailed Kindergarten Curriculum Guide 

Planning a Visit?

We look forward to sharing our beautiful campus and school with you. Please call 610-783-0110 during business hours, or contact us via our Inquiry form.