Hi, I’m Ethan O’Shea. I graduated from Montessori Childrens House of Valley Forge in 2016. I was in Mrs. Davida’s class for AM, Pre-K and Kindergarten. My favorite memories of Montessori are baking rolls every day and then getting to eat them at snack time and then the number lines. For the number lines you would get these little cards with numbers on them and then you would count the beads and place the cards on that bead. The fact that I still remember this 7 years later shows how much Montessori had an impact on me.
Montessori taught me how to do math so when I went to 1st and 2nd grade, I already knew the topics. I wouldn’t be the student today if it wasn’t for Montessori.
Today I’m in 7th grade and I am active in student council, I play a lot of baseball and basketball and I still love math.